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Afraid to Say it?


USA Immigration Hub
USA Immigration Hub

I immigrated to the United Stated about ten years ago. I have never been T-H-A-T before; Never had to say I-T before; It was never part of my life before, and never thought it would mean so much. I was taught to not stand out while traveling abroad. To make sure that people know as little as possible from where I am from (racism, antisemitism, political opinions, terrorism, etc.).

You arrive at the United States, still not sure you are safe. On paper you should be safe, safer than anywhere else in the world. But is it so? - If it is so, why was I constantly afraid to say I-T?

Why am I still afraid sometimes? - Why does that thought of "being smart vs just" come to mind?

Looking for a book to make you hap'BEE? Look no further. BEE’loved by many, the honey bee is super sweet. In this educational book for children ages 6-8 you’ll have fun learning all about the lives of honey bees. You’ll discover how long they live, what they eat, the many different roles that bees play during their life, and more! This book would be great for a classroom setting in which children are learning about insects and nature or for children at home who have an interest in bees.

It's because being "I-T" can still cause others to behave in a racist, antisemitic, and with domestic terrorism-like violent behavior. I find it interesting every time that Hollywood always presents immigrants as dark skinned, perhaps Muslin, with a very thick accent, etc. Yet, I am Caucasian, with blue eyes, and a subtle accent that comes and goes. Still afraid though at times...

Still afraid though at time, and writing an immigration blog about it...interesting. Part of the creation of USA Immigration Hub is as a personal therapy avenue, part as a need that others seem to have, a part of me that always existed - helping others the best I can, the way I can.

It's okay to be afraid to say I-T, especially to others that are not the same; Especially when you are not sure who you are saying it to, what are their opinions, what might they do. How do you know if they do not perceive T-HA-T word as a threat? Are we automatically a threat and nothing more? No upsides to us? Nothing at all?

For a very long time I think I was afraid to say the word because I was afraid of what it meant for me; Afraid of dealing with what I was dealing with at the time, and T-H-A-T was a word, a status, an adjective reminding me of the hardships experienced, and yet to be experienced. I was alone here, very alone, isolated, and afraid. Being T-H-A-T, didn't help.


Pumpy & Pumpina is a children's book by Moran Sciamama-Saghiv for 2-5 year olds that teaches them about the heart. Follow the main characters, James, Pumpy, Mary, and Pumpina, as they go about their day to day life and see how their hearts are important and affect them during different activities.

Does it get better, yes it does. You make friends, you find love again, time passes and you learn, find support, find meaning again, set S.M.A.R.T. goals, advance your career, and reconnect to the new you that emerges (a new you must emerge!). Yet, that does not mean that in the United States 2023, saying T-H-A-T word doesn't have meaning.

My wife Jayme Kendall and I, founders and owners of USA Immigration Hub, invite you to join our online immigration community for FREE and find multiple ways to stop being afraid of saying that word, or at least learn what it means to say, and be it...

Be a guest on our immigration podcast, write an immigration blog post just like this one, join an immigration forum discussion, immigration group, and more. These options and more, will give you the support, tools, and ability to say it. I am an I-M-M-I-G-R-A-N-T!!!





Symbolistic Apparel is a family and veteran owned clothing brand dedicated to clothing with entertaining, challenging, provocative, and intriguing messages. All designs are originals and use symbols to convey their message, idea, or phrase. Enjoy hundreds of designs, with new designs added constantly.


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