Traditions. Traditions are truly a way to celebrate one's culture, past and history, and perhaps the promise of a future. I get the point that a person that forgets their past, might not have a future. Yet, their is a difference between that and living in the past. Some say "change is great, you first" while other say "change is great, me first". In both cases, tradition has a role to play and a seat at the table. The difference being that in the ladder, change becomes the most important tradition, not to be feared of, and advances. You cannot achieve change without change.
Symbolistic Apparel is a family and veteran owned clothing brand dedicated to clothing with entertaining, challenging, provocative, and intriguing messages. All designs are originals and use symbols to convey their message, idea, or phrase. Enjoy hundreds of designs, with new designs added constantly.
When tradition means no change, it also might mean no advancement, and even worse, could mean the lack of inclusiveness. The United States of America is most-likely indeed still an experiment of sort, since it is clear that not everything is figured out, and many contradictions exist to bear testimony to this fact.
As an immigrant, I was always puzzled by what is presented outwards vs what it seems like inwards. Outwards, the United States is "one nation under god"; Yet inwards, the United States are very much divided, and are actually 50 different types of North America. Each state is basically what others outside of the United States would call "a country".
Let's examine some of the "evidence". Each state has its own flag - not one nation; Each state legislates for its self - not one nation; Different state, different taxes - not one nation...
For an immigrant, this can be confusing, weird, and challenging at times. By the way, please be prepared for Americans that were born and raised in the United States, and are not second, third, fourth generations to immigrants to have a problem getting this point (naturally). They have never experiences anything else, and experience equals knowledge.
Traditionally, the American Way wins. Which takes us back to a point I made in another post - you will not succeed and probably shouldn't expect a nation that has become a super power in a mere few hundreds of years, to change its ways. As the saying goes, "if it is not broken, don't fix it". My point is that while it is not broken, it can be improved upon, rather the fixing it. As an immigrant, it seems to me too many times, that my suggestions for improvement are perceived as if I am daring to critique the United States as if it is broken. More so, it is perceived as rude and unacceptable, and if I don't like it, I should leave.
Need a logo and branding that's off the charts and will set your company apart? You've come to the right place. Jayme Kendall is a graphic designer who creates professional unique graphics for logos, print, and web. Prior to becoming a graphic designer, she served 22 years in the military.
By the way, it is clear that is an American born and raised person would suggest the same, it would be legit. I wish that pluralism of opinions would become pluralism of change. I wish that our pluralism would stop being good only on paper and on social media, and more in actuality. I am not religious at all (yet will respect your religion), but can't help remember that in the old testament, when humanity tried reaching the havens with the Tower of Babylon, God opposed it by creating diversity. have thousands of years of biblical thinking engraved in us that we are meant to be and leave separately?
These traditions are often fossilized because of a handful of other traditions that have and still make America a super power and a good place to live in, despite everything. Another example is healthcare profession related licensure between states. How stupid is it to demand from a nurse to get relicensed for another state, even if she has 20 years of experience. Do organs shift their location between New York and Los Angeles? Is blood pressure measured differently suddenly?
Not really! - discrimination, lack of diversity, lack of inclusiveness, and racism are still and will always be a sign of humanity's inferiority (contrary to how we perceive ourselves) and lack of ability to raise above the basic rules of nature. the first being survival first. It is sad, and equally true. Have not seen much substantial evidence to contradict. It makes me sad.
The day our Limbic part of the brain will stop existing is the day there will be a chance of eliminating racism, violence, discrimination, and more...