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The Language and Attitude of a Highly-Professional Resume/Curriculum Vitae

Writer's picture: USAIHUSAIH

Updated: Jul 13, 2023
USA Immigration Hub (USAIH)

Both your resume and CV must serve you as power tools, landing you that next desired position you have been dreaming of. Both documents can be characterized according to the language used and the documents’ “attitude”.

The language utilized in your resume and/or curriculum vitae is extremely important as a means to convey the right message/s, impress the hiring employer, and score points on your behalf, creating a positive distinction from other job applicants.





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Make sure to utilize positive and active language in your resume and/or curriculum vitae. Active phrasing of your experiences and abilities avoids passive phrases that portray you as a viewer, a person influenced, or manipulated, and effected. Using active language should portray you as a leader, an active participant, one that created and influenced the outcomes of occurrences. Almost every experience can be portrayed as having an active role on your behalf.

Let’s examine an example of describing an experience, once passively and once actively. In this example, a person experiences visiting with a professional to learn about their profession. If utilizing passive language, a person might write: “I was shown what the professional does” or “We stood from behind as the professional worked”. These descriptions and more, come or may come across as passive.

If utilizing active language, for the same scenario described above, a person might write: “experience include active participation and analysis of what the professional did” or “we actively observed the actions of the professional”.

Positive phrasing of your experiences and abilities avoids negative phrases that portray you as a “half cup empty” kind of person. Using positive language should portray you as a “half cup full” leader, a positive influencer of processes, one that creates and influences the outcomes of occurrences for the better. Almost every experience can be portrayed as being a positive experience or that had a minimal portion that was positive. Positive language ties into one of the most sought-out and powerful powers – hope.


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Let’s examine an example of describing an experience, once negatively and once positively. In this example, a person experiences everything at their workplace being centralized where everything has to go through a certain department or specific person. If utilizing negative language, a person might write: “we were not allowed to do anything without going through that department” or “having to go through that department hindered our work”. These descriptions and more, come or may come across as negative.

If utilizing positive language, for the same scenario described above, a person might write: “we collaborated with other department to allow centralization of operations” or “centralization of information was an operational component of our collaboration with other departments”.

Thus, active and positive language and “attitude” when phrasing and creating your resume and CV are extremely important to pay attention to and utilize. Make sure to get someone’s feedback to your resume and CV, ask them to address these aspects as well.

Learn how to utilize and save as much “space” on your resume and CV – visit the article titles: “Resumes and CVs – Saving Space and Time”


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